What They Say III

Mr-Universe-Nigeria-2014-August-2014-pulseThe blogosphere knew him as Francis Beaon at the time of his win of the Mr Universe Nigeria contest. And, according to his recent interview with nationonlineng.net, he is Francis Egwuatu, final year student of the Federal University of Technology, Owerri. I don’t know which one is which, and that is none of my business.

My business however are some of the things he said during this interview with Tolu George originally published on nationonlineng.net. It was the usual may-we-know-you oh-you’re-so-famous-now yada-yada.

And then they got around to what usually interests me in these celebrity interviews – the controversial aspects, in this case, the gay talk.

The interviewer questioned: Some people believe Mr. Universe Nigeria is a pageant for gays. What is your view on this assertion? Continue reading