He’s Just Not That Into Anyone Else

g11One fine evening, I was driving along Toyin Street in the Lagos suburb of Ikeja. I was minding my own business; hitting on any one or scoring was the last thing on my mind. I was just trying to get home after the day’s activities. I was also enjoying the thrill of driving in my red BMW 3 Series. It was and still is a fantastic auto which I totally loved to bits and still reminisce on and miss till this day. Anyone who has ever owned or driven a BMW can tell you more about these amazing masterpieces of German engineering.

As I navigated my way through the usual evening traffic, I suddenly saw him. Or rather IT! I mean, I didn’t see his face, nope. I rather saw his backside. I was instantly captivated, and it took a supreme effort not to smash into the back of the car in front of me. I can still see clearly, in my head, the sway of those hips, the way his walk accentuated his shapely hips. Here was a guy who had cakes and who knew how to move them. I’ll be straight up with you (I’m not straight though), I LOOOOVE cakes! I think they are one of the most beautiful parts of the male anatomy.

And the dude who owned these ones – there was no way in all of Lagos I wasn’t going to try to chat him up, get to know him. I mean – Dayum! Those cakes! Continue reading


g2That’s a question that most guys ask each other in the first stages of their acquaintanceship. And it has been asked in every way conceivable.

How did you start?

How did you enter this game?

Have you always been like this . . .?

. . . Or did someone initiate you?

That last part always gets a good laugh out of me, because the question sags with cultic connotations. Just another way the society has intentionally or unwittingly influenced both its heterosexual and homosexual populace with the thinking that homosexuality is something dark and sinful.

But this piece isn’t one about the injustices of the society on the gay community. No, that’s the kind of heavy stuff I leave for folks like Absalom (lol). This write-up is about that question that acts as a conversation starter in most instances –

How did you start? Continue reading